Taekwondo Benefits

Taekwondo training offers many physical, psychological and mental benefits. Classes are set up not only to teach specific techniques, but also to teach students how to work together, solve problems, and perform under pressure. In short, training will make you happier, healthier and safer. See scientific proof of the benefits that we claim.


Key Physical Benefits:

Improved cardiovascular health and endurance

Improved strength and muscle tone

Sustainable weight loss

Improved agility and co-ordination

Ability to defend yourself or others

Key Psychological Benefits:

Self confidence


Ability to perform under pressure

Ability to work together in a team

Ability to work towards a difficult, but attainable goal

Key Mental Benefits::

Ability to concentrate and focus

Ability to analyze and find weaknesses in opponents styles

Ability to think and make decisions quickly in a crises

Development of leadership skills and the ability to teach others